Thursday, February 28, 2013

Q-C C Confession

Last night, I didn't actually steam vegetables as a Quick-Clean side dish.

No, instead I did something a bit more indulgent.

I put about 1 1/2 tablespoons of butter in my stir fry pan and turned on the heat.

I pulled two Italian squashes from the vegetable crisper and lined them up on the cutting board.  Like Che Guevara lined up political dissenters to shoot them, I put the zuchini side by side and sliced them simultaneously into round wafers, and then I cut them into half disks.

I added the zuchini to the hot butter in the wok, sprinkled on some seasoned salt and pepper, and cooked them to perfection.

Somehow, the flavor of Italian squash combined perfectly with Swedish meatballs made with Jamaican Allspice.  It gives us hope for a world where we all live in harmony.

However, the residue in the wok from this simple concoction is a greenish coating that required overnight soaking to get it clean.

And there's the dirty truth: sometimes even the most dedicated Q-C C advocate occasionally sacrifices easy cleaning for flavor.

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