Wednesday, February 13, 2013

What is Quick-Clean Cuisine?

Chef Wes with Apprentice Amy
We all enjoy a delicious meal, painstakingly prepared from scratch by a gourmet chef using the finest ingredients and the assorted bowls and pans deemed necessary to create such a feast.  Few of us, however, enjoy the inevitable clean up.

That's why dining out has become so popular with the new generation raised in the casual affluence of the post-Reagan era.  They would find it hard to believe that their parents or grandparents didn't go out to eat more than once a week, if that, when they were young.

This is not a blog about how lucky we are to live in the long-dreamed about golden age of humanity or even an attempt to convince you that is a true statement.

Rather, it is simply a method of recording recipes I've developed for tasty, healthy and inexpensive meals that can be prepared easily and require less clean-up time.

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